Saturday 17 August 2013

Saturday 17th of August 2013

     Today I went to see my sister who live in Sterling road. My sister go to MDIS for her bachelor degree. She is one year younger than me but she is taller than me. Her name is Claudya. She is good at cooking and at home she often cooked with my mom in the kitchen. 
     Today we went to supermarket and bought lots of things such as carrots, tomatoes, chickens, fruits and eggs. I know its a lot but I bought a month worth of groceries so that I don't have to buy anything anymore for the next few weeks. After we were done with the shopping, suddenly it started to rain. So we ran into the mrt station before the rain got heavy.
     We reached the mrt station and it was crowded inside the train. So my sister and I have to squeeze ourselves in. We finally got into the train and it took us about 15 minutes to reach my place. After finally reaching my place, I noticed that it was also raining here. Unfortunately we only have one umbrella. So it was hard to get home without getting wet. Its a  good thing that my hostel is quite near to the mrt station. After reaching my hostel, we put the groceries into the refrigerator and took some rest for a while.
     We wanted to watch a movie, so I took her to a nearby cinema. We watched R.I.P.D and it was very entertaining. Its about two dead police whose mission is to catch/kill dead people who disguise themselves as  human being on Earth. The movie lasted for about 2 hours and after that we returned to the hostel. After dinner she went back to her dorm in Sterling road. Today turned out to be quite a fun day. ^^

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