Friday 2 August 2013


     This was taken many weeks ago in Marina Bay Sands when my parents were still in Singapore with me. My mom wanted to go to Marina Bay Sand, so my dad and I went along with her, not knowing that there will be some kind of event in there. We went to Marina by taxi as my father don't really like using MRT. We walked around the mall and I noticed that there were lots of people holding camera. 

     Turns out that that day was the national day of Singapore. My mom sort of knew and that was the reason why she wanted to go to Marina Bay Sands. She said that there will be fireworks display in Marina. As we were waiting for the fireworks display, we looked around to see what other event was happening around there. Few hours later, the sun set and soon it was dark. Suddenly I heard a loud noise and the night sky was soon filled with fireworks. 

     The firework display lasted for about half an hour. I took many shots and video the fireworks. Some of the firework's shape was quite unique. Not only about the firework, there was also a choir singing the national anthem of Singapore which is " Majulah Singapura/Onward Singapore " It was very pretty and was an amazing experience.

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